Funniest Song Lines Of All Time (to me)
Flight of the Conchords - Jenny
"That's why I said 'wasn't it'"
Barenaked Ladies - If I had $1000000
"But not a real green dress, that's cruel'"
David Brent - Lady Gypsy
"She laid me down on a bed of heather / She said, please be careful, this is what I sell / I said, you're a hooker she said, no, I mean the heather."
Oasis - Married with Children
"I hate the books you read and all your friends"
The Beatles - I'm So Tired
"...and curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a stupid git"
"Hamilton" - You'll Be Back
King George III: I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love
"Hamilton" - The Schuyler Sisters
Angelica: Burr, you disgust me.
Burr: Ah, so you've discussed me!
The Smiths - Girlfriend in a Coma
"Do you really think she'll pull through?"